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Beyond the visible

Dit is het torus-spelbord dat tegenwoordig bij ons thuis aan de muur hangt. Het spelbord is enigszins bol wat een ruimtelijk effect geeft. Ik heb het gemaakt om mee te dingen naar een prijs die was uitgeloofd door de Japans-Engelse organisatie EWAAC. De uitreiking vond plaats in Londen en daarom moest er een Engelse tekst bij geleverd worden. Het spelbord noemde ik: 'Beyond the visible.' De tekst is als volgt:

'This piece of art is a homage to the torus-geometry that is supported by the protagonists of the cyclic universe. Cartographers never get the measures right when they project the globe on a flat plane. The relativists proved that every plane is in fact a sphere, so light can travel around the cosmos. For three dimensional space this means that the universe has the geometry of a torus, an object with the shape of a doughnut. What you see now is a torus projected on a plane. It is used as a board for a game that can be played on the wall. This game ā€“ called ā€˜Torusā€™- is based on a new mathematical theory that contains countless symmetries. Like in the torus-geometry it includes as well as excludes configurations, and there are no borders. The game is simple. Two players have each nine magnets, black or white. They try to place a magnet on each row, column and colour. The first one that succeeds is the winner. There are a few exceptions that will be explained in the game rules.'

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